If we lived in a perfect world, we would all be perfectly healthy. We would eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise every day, maintain a healthy weight, sleep eight hours every night, have no stress, and plenty of time for fun and rest.

But we do not live in a perfect world.

In fact, in our country, 90% of people do not get the recommended amount of important nutrients from their food. Chronic disease and some prescription drugs can deplete specific nutrients. Even those individuals who have no chronic illness and live a “healthy” lifestyle can fail to meet dietary recommendations. In fact, those who have been restricting their diet or exercising extensively may be at greatest need.

If you have been dieting, working out, taking prescription medications, or simply want to be healthier, I can help you figure out which nutrients you may be lacking and how best to replenish them and optimize your nutrition.

 I send your supplement recommendations electronically in the same way I send prescriptions. If you choose, you may purchase them online and have them mailed directly to you. I have negotiated a discounted price for my patients with a supplement distributor having over 40 years of experience and a robust quality assurance program – ensuring you receive high quality professional grade supplements possible.